The sheer number of IT assets, their complex relationships and the frequent changes they undergo in most corporations has made their update and maintenance both difficult and vastly time consuming.
Additionally new technology which can be implemented by users without formal approval from the IT department, such as memory sticks, USB devices, wireless access points, Blackberries, PDAs, cell phones, and foreign applications, complicates the missions of:
- Maintaining an accurate inventory of devices / software.
- Enforcing policy.

Users that run unauthorized, surprise, and dangerous services on their workstations and over the Internet makes the lives of security operation staff miserable. ERE’s auto discovery services identify and document the inventory of hardware, software, and Internet services running on an enterprise network. The inventory includes:
- Servers and workstations.
- Security devices.
- Telecommunications devices.
- USB devices, stick memory, wireless access points, Blackberries, PDAs, cell phones, modems.
- Software tools and software applications.
- Internet services that are running.
- User traffic patterns, to highlight anomalous traffic patterns, unusually high volumes potentially initiated by worm / Trojan / virus infection.